Applications and Admissions

What are the admission requirements for the structured Master’s in Engineering Management (MEM) degree at Stellenbosch University?

Please click here.

What is accepted as work confirmation or access to the work site?

If you are employed:

A letter from your employer which indicates that you are working at said company. Please include your appointment date i.e. when you started working at the company and your designation/role at the company.

If you are self-employed:

Please submit a letter stating that you are self-employed, clearly describe the type of work you do as a self-employed individual. This may include your profession, services offered, or products sold. Please also include your business name, registration number, and registration date.

How do I apply if my qualifications were issued by an international institution?

Students with international qualifications are advised to follow the normal application process.  This entails submitting their certified academic transcripts and certificates alongside their application.

How do I apply as a Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) candidate?

RPL candidates must follow the standard application procedure, complemented by the submission of a Portfolio of Evidence (PoE). This portfolio serves as a comprehensive compilation of their prior learning experiences, showcasing their skills, knowledge, and achievements relevant to the qualification sought. RPL applicants are encouraged to refer to the application guidelines for detailed instructions on the contents and format of the PoE.

The Structured Masters in Engineering Management (MEM) Programme

What exactly does hybrid online mean? Will I need to physically attend classes in Stellenbosch?

This programme follows a hybrid online format, with its primary component delivered asynchronously. This means that the bulk of the content, including video lectures and reading materials, will be accessible at your convenience, allowing you to study the course materials at a time that aligns with your schedule.

In addition to the asynchronous content, there will be live webinars scheduled for one hour per module approximately every four weeks. These synchronous sessions aim to provide students with direct access to the lecturer and opportunities to ask questions. The webinars are scheduled after regular working hours to accommodate professionals, enabling them to participate without conflicting with their work commitments.

This approach employs a flipped classroom model, wherein students engage with course material prior to the live sessions, allowing for more meaningful discussions and activities during the synchronous sessions. This structure fosters deeper understanding and encourages higher-order thinking skills among participants.

Will block weeks be included in the schedule?

No, the core modules of the MEM will be delivered over a 15-week period. Therefore, there will be no need for you to request leave or study leave to attend classes in Stellenbosch.

However, some elective modules, such as Data Science and Project Economics and Finance, are offered as in person/on campus or ‘live streamed’ block format as these are faculty-wide modules. If you choose to enroll for one of these electives, you may need to take leave accordingly.

What is the workload involved?

The degree requires 8 academic modules (15 credits each = 120 credits in total) as well as a Research Assignment (60 credits). Each credit represents circa 10 hours of a student’s time. The 8 modules are taken as 2 modules/semester with 2 semesters/year over two years. Each of the two modules in a given semester hence requires 150 hours of the student’s time during the semester, i.e. 300 hours in total per semester for the two modules.

The assessments of the modules are in assignment format. Every student is required to submit a pre-module assessment before the module commences, three group assignments during the semester as well as a final assessment. The final assessment is a comprehensive individual assignment, and students work on the assignment during the period following the conclusion of the lectures up to the submission date of the assignment, typically circa a month after the conclusion of the formal lectures. Our expectation is that the student will spend circa 45 hours to complete a final assignment, i.e. 90 hours for the final assignment of both modules.

How much time should I allocate for MEM per week?

On average, you can expect to spend approximately three hours on reading, one and a half hours attending lectures, and two hours on reflection. Additionally, there may be some weeks where you’ll need to complete brief writing assignments or engage in group work. Overall, you should plan to dedicate about 6 to 8 hours per week per module, spread over a 16-week period.

If you choose to undertake two modules per semester, as recommended, this would equate to approximately 12 to 16 hours of commitment per week.

How long will it take me to complete the MEM?

We recommend that a working professional should complete two modules per semester – which means that you will be able to complete 8 modules over two years. Year 3 will then be dedicated to your research assignment (mini thesis).

In exceptional cases and with the approval of the Academic Coordinator of the Degree you could decide to complete the Degree over a two-year period whereby the mini thesis will be completed in the second year. It is recommended that the Degree be completed in three years where students focus solely on the research assignment in the third year. The research assignment is a 60-credit module which means it will take about 600 hours to complete.

How will assessment be done?

The assessments of the modules are in assignment format. Every student is required to submit a pre-module assessment before the module commences, three group assignments during the semester as well as a final assessment. The final assessment is a comprehensive individual assignment, and students work on the assignment during the period following the conclusion of the lectures up to the submission date of the assignment, typically circa a month after the conclusion of the formal lectures.

Can this qualification lead to a PhD degree?

In principle, yes, it can. Admission to a PhD program typically requires a student to demonstrate their ability to conduct research, often evidenced by completing a master’s thesis. In the case of the MEM, instead of a full thesis (180 credits), a research assignment or mini-thesis (60 credits) is required. However, for consideration for admission to the PhD programme, the research assignment must meet exceptionally high standards of quality.

Is there a cap on the annual number of admitted students?

Yes, there is an annual limit on the number of student admissions, capped at 100. Therefore, it is recommended to submit your application at your earliest convenience to secure your spot in the programme.

May I enrol for an additional elective?

While it’s not typically advised due to the considerable number of notional hours already required for the programme, students do have the option to pursue an additional elective for non-academic purposes. However, it’s essential to inform us in advance which elective’s grade will count towards your MEM degree. This ensures clarity and proper record-keeping regarding your academic progress.

Does the programme have any pre-requisites?

All core MEM modules, with the exception of Project Management 816, as well as the elective modules, have prerequisites in place. Passing all your first-semester modules is a requirement for progressing to your second-semester modules. Similarly, successful completion of all first-year modules is necessary to proceed to second-year modules. For further details, please refer to the provided link here.

Funding and Fees

Are there any bursaries or sponsorships available to assist students interested in this qualification?

At this stage, no internal bursaries are available. We encourage students to approach their employers for financial assistance.

You are also welcome to have a look at the Postgraduate Funding page on Stellenbosch University’s website for information on general Postgraduate Funding opportunities available here.

Where can I find information about the tuition fees?

You can find an estimate of the tuition fees for the current year here.

To generate a fee quotation for the next intake year, please click here.