Graduate Spotlight: Gustav Michiel Rohde

Date: April 16, 2024

Gustav Michiel Rohde took time to share how he grew personally and professionally during the last two years studying towards his Master’s Degree in Engineering Management (MEM), and gave his account on the programme and its value.

Could you kindly provide us with a brief overview of your experience over the past two years while pursuing your MEM degree? We are eager to hear about the highlights, challenges, and transformative moments that have shaped your journey in the programme.

“Currently being amid the 4IR, rapid and incremental innovation should be an element of all business strategies. The MEM degree is an excellent mix of technological developments, business knowledge, and management principles, all incorporated and explained with practical case studies. With technology being in the forefront of the 4IR, I believe this MEM degree is the perfect opportunity to expand personal knowledge, strategic skill sets, and is a foundation for continuous learning.”

In what ways do you feel this programme has helped you grow personally and professionally?

“As a graduate civil engineer, currently employed in the mining industry in Africa, I have realised the importance of integrating the components of technology development, its implementations, and market adoption. The efficient designs and optimisation of emerging technologies would be suboptimal if not designed and implemented to support the needs of operations, the environment, and industry. The MEM degree teaches one a mindset of when and how to adopt and implement these emerging technologies into the market.”

Kindly share a reflection or takeaway from your experience in the MEM programme that encapsulates the programme’s values.

“I developed a growing passion for emerging technologies, its application, implementation, and management. It nurtured my technical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical mindset. Combining these theoretical skills with real-world problems as well as the industry-related exposure opened my eyes to the immense potential of technologies, the hardware and software interconnectivity, and the potential of digital engineering management to increase the efficiency and optimisation of concrete problems.”

Congratulations Gustav Michiel Rohde on your Distinction! We look forward to seeing you at the forefront of emerging technologies!


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