MEM Graduation Celebration – First Cohort Students Graduate!

Date: April 18, 2024

To celebrate its first cohort of graduates, a Master’s in Engineering Management (MEM) graduation celebration was held at Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS) on 28 March 2024. Unfortunately, not all the graduates were able to attend the graduation ceremony and celebration due to other commitments.  

The hybrid online programme is offered as a three-year degree however twelve remarkable graduates managed to successfully complete the degree within two years. Seven of these graduates graduated Cum Laude.  

The event commenced with a short speech by Prof Bond-Barnard, the MEM Academic Coordinator, in which she commended the graduates for the sacrifices they had made and the challenges they had overcome in order to complete the degree while working full-time. 

Prof Calie Pistorius, programme founder and lecturer, also reflected on the graduates’ two-year academic journey and warmly congratulated each graduate as (s)he was called to the front to receive a graduation remembrance gift.  

Several important representatives from the Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University also attended the event and networked with the graduates. Amongst others Prof Celeste Viljoen (Acting Dean & Vice Dean: Teaching & Quality Assurance), Prof Corne Schutte (Vice-Dean: Research & Industry Liaison) and Prof Joubert van Eeden (Chair: Department of Industrial Engineering). 

The MEM Team takes pride in their graduates and cannot wait to see how the first group of MEM alumni will shape and make contributions to the engineering management sector both locally and abroad. 

The Programme looks forward to equipping more early to mid-career engineers and scientists with the skills they require to take the lead in engineering, technology, innovation, strategy and projects. An essential element of the MEM learning experience is the cultivation of a lifelong learning mindset, which ensures that graduates remain relevant and competitive. 

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